Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Hardware sizing 참고 자료

Posted by Alvin You
2015. 1. 9. 02:46 Dynamics AX

초기 제안 작업이나 프로젝트 계획시에 참고할 수 있는 Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Hardware Sizing 자료입니다.

R3에서는 성능 향상이 더 좋아졌겠지만, Dynamics AX ERP 구축을 고려하고 있거나 하드웨어 설계시 참고하시면 유용할 것 같습니다.




If you are looking for Information here the following hints might be of interest:

We have the following Benchmark report available. That was performed based on MS Dynamic 2012 R1 but in terms of the sizing results things remained the same so it is still valid.
Important note: The tests in the Benchmark Report were performed on "standard" solution without any branch or ISV solutions or other customizations which can have a big impact on performance!




Within the MS Dynamics Lifecycle Services (https://lcs.dynamics.com) there is a tool called Usage Profiler which can help you with sizing tasks. If you like please have a look here:




Also the following presentation from Informationsource portal can help you in terms of the sizing topic:


a) MS Dynamics AX 2012 Performance, Benchmarks, Features & Patterns:


b) MS Dynamics AX 2012: Solution Architecture:


c) MS Dynamics AX 2012: Solution Architecture Best Practise: